This page is dedicated to the “oldschools” among us, without any doubt because it is aimed at those who are looking to bet on the various eSport events linked to the Dota 2 community.
The mythical game, the father of MOBA, the avant League of Legends. A discipline dedicated to purists, no more and no less! You know it without any doubt, but MOBA players have very strong opinions. DOTA players often spit on LOL players and vice versa.
To me it is very important to put things in context, the handling of a MOBA is very long and it will be very complicated to change MOBAs once you have mastered one. This probably explains the many camps dividing them.
However, eSport is very present and DOTA remains and will undoubtedly remain the least “casu” MOBA… Enthusiasts like you and me are interested in the different ways of betting on the results of DOTA 2 matches.
It is quite possible to bet on professional matches today and we intend to explain you how to do so through this page.
What competitions can I bet on?
At the moment it is possible to bet on the following DOTA 2 competitions:
- Dota 2: Champions League.
- Dota 2: Elimination Mode.
- Dota 2: Prodots Cup.
Betting on Dota 2: Is it safe?
If you’re a gambling enthusiast, if you follow the games regularly, if you know the teams or even more… Then betting on Dota won’t be riskier than betting on a football match, quite the contrary.
It is often easier to predict the outcome of an eSport match than a sports match. Indeed, the level of the teams is often very different. They do not all have the same training, the same methods, the same talents.
If you have never heard of Dota 2 before reading this, I advise you to get advice from someone who knows the game well. It makes sense!
Which bookmakers do you recommend to bet on Dota 2?
There is currently only one bookmaker valid… It’s a pity, we would like to have a little more choice between the different platforms. But we are optimistic about the future. We think that the Paris platforms dedicated to eSport will soon arrive.
In the meantime, we are lucky it turns out that the available platform is of good quality. It is easy to place a bet on it. We tested it for you for several days, from the registration to the withdrawal of our earnings, everything went very well.